Jie (Jet) Lian

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Management Science at the University of South Carolina, supervised by Professor Yan Dong and Professor Keith Skowronski. I anticipate defending my dissertation by March 2024, graduating with a specialization in Management Science. I am seeking an academic position where I can contribute to the department's research reputation, support its commitment to high-quality teaching, and offer service to the school and community. In doing so, I aim to grow as a scholar and educator continually. 

My research centers on sustainable operations, supply chain, and logistics management. My primary objective is to understand and reduce the overall environmental footprint of supply chains. This interest stems from my prior work experience overseeing supply chain and sales in an industry often perceived as heavily polluting. Currently, I am exploring the implications of environmental disclosure, with three papers dedicated to this research stream.

Update: September 2023